The Silhouette Project: Newcomers

Newcomers is the fourth incarnation of The Silhouette Project – a recurring  photographic series that illuminates the shadow voice of adolescent and young adult  refugees, shining a light on marginalized communities too often hidden from  mainstream society.

This visual exposé created by artist, Dona Laurita, reveals the wildly diverse situations  from which these Newcomers came, seeking refuge in the United States for a variety  of reasons, personal and political. Despite their seemingly immense differences,  there are many common themes woven through the stories of these courageous and  vulnerable emigres. 

“We are Somewhere…”

“Yearning to Breathe Free”

“Do Not Leave Your Prayer”

“If You Are a Woman, They Are Looking For You”

“Window Seat Far From the Taliban”

“Separated At The Border”

“Inshallah” – God Willing

“Directional Displacement”

“I Had Everything But Safety”

“Into A Country That...”

“From Broken Trees”

“Seeing Things You’d Never Want To See”

“From Heavens to Our Hands”

“Farther From the Shore”

“Butterflies of the Red Sea Forest

“I Miss Nothing About My Country”

“I Saw, I Heard, I Felt”

“Nunca Te Rindas Siempre Aprende…”

“Soaring In Survival”

“Centrarse En El Partido” - Focus On

“Where We Sang”

“Strength From Sadness”

“Everything Behind”

Newcomers - Installations & Events